Well fuck me. It looks like Mr. Cold took a day off to rest and come back tenfold. I don't mean to keep bitching about this damn thing but alright, I get it. You're a big bad ass cold that can get in my body and fuck me up. Now move along please. Anyway, day 3 here we go...
Dear kids these days,
What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm talking about guys wearing girl pants. I'm talking about spiking your hair up like David Bowie in "Labrynth". I'm talking about the horrible music(I'm looking at you, Hollywood Undead). I'm talking about guys wearing makeup. My only question is, are you considered cool at your respective high schools? (I haven't been to a high school in a number of years so I'm not sure) Please, someone fill me in. Also, where are the metalheads, greasers or jocks to beat the living crapshitfuckballs out of you on the daily? I kind of want to spend my Saturday at the Chandler Mall, in full berserker mode, grabbing every one of you fuckheads and smashing you into the nearest wall until I beat the retard out of you. Seriously, you guys look like douche bags. Don't even get me started on the girls who hang out with you.
Chris Goretcki
P.S. I'll leave you with a link to the video that sparked this rant
Tell me that doesn't piss you off at least on some level