The NFL and their imbecile players

Posted: Monday, March 29, 2010 by Chris in

Whew! Took a weekend off and it was great! I think I'll blog on the weekends too from now on though. I felt bad depriving people of my particular brand of awesome. Let's see... not much in the way of news so I'll head straight to business.

Dear NFL players,

I know you'd like us to think that you're like everyone else, you like to party and occasionally get a little too drunk and make a dumb ass move that gets you into trouble with the law. Serious trouble. Well guess what, I have no sympathy for you. I'm 26 fucking years old. I'm older than a lot of you, been partying just as long as most of you and am only a couple years younger than a few of you. I still have managed to never get into serious trouble at a bar. You've got that retard Plaxico shooting himself in the leg at a club (what the fuck???). You've got Ben Roethlisberger (sp?) who can't keep his wang out of unwilling vagina. And now, you have Santonio Holmes accused of throwing a glass at a woman's eye causing lacerations. Seriously guys, you're not in the fucking ghetto anymore. You don't need to carry guns around and abuse women for street cred anymore. And to you Big Ben... I don't even know what to say to that. It's a real testament to your ladies man skills that you have Super Bowl rings and millions of dollars in worth and you still have to rape 'em. What the fuck are you thinking man? Now, me being a huge football fan, I have to listen to all the soccer loving pussies out there tell me how football sucks because the players are thugs and criminals. Thanks a lot assholes! And what's with the Steelers? Now you have two retards on your team? Good going higher ups, way to pick a solid team. I know there are thousands of other cases of rage inducing stupidity in the NFL but I'm too tired to think of anymore than those three. Comment if you have another you want to bitch about.

P.S. Just remembered Michael Vick, he's beyond stupid. He's evolved (devolved?) into a piece of shit.