Mercedes vs. BMW

Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 by Chris in

Dzien dobry! So I've been a giant slacker douche lately and haven't posted anything, I apologize. I've got a doozy for you tonight though, I think everyone can get into this one. Without further ado...

Dear rich punkasses,

So I'm driving down the road, minding my own when I pull up to you two little pricks on the side of the freeway. One of you had a Mercedes SLK Kompressor, the other a brand new BMW 6 series. Neither one of you was a day over seventeen. Now seeing this just annoyed the living hell out of me. I mean, you two little douche fucks just picked out a car and your spineless parents obliged. You probably still had the fucking gall to bitch about color too. Spoiled little shits! Now, like I said I was merely annoyed at the site of you two fucks. That is until I noticed that the reason you were on the side of the road was because you had just crashed into eachother. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! You have the fortune of having been handed a beautiful piece of machinery (however undeservedly) for free and you crash the things? Into eachother? You god damn morons. To make it worse, it was on a massive curve so I can only imagine you douchebags were racing. How can you have the audacity to take something that so many people dream about and strive for and just throw it away because you wanted to get your little piece of shit rush. I hope your respective parents spent the insurance money on bus passes for your irresponsible asses. Lord knows that's what I'd do, after severely beating you that is.

Chris Goretcki