Skol Vikings!!!!

Posted: Tuesday, July 6, 2010 by Chris in

Hey guys, first of all, thank you to anyone who clicked on ads and made me money! So I want to address something that may seem like it's grossly out of place in the middle of summer, Football (aka the greatest sport on Earth ever). I assure you that my dedication to the sport spans the off season as well and if you read threads like I do from time to time, you would see that this is relevant. To those of you who don't like/care about football, go back to watching Twilight and soccer and listening to Justin Bieber, nobody is forcing you to read this (though I do appreciate it).

Dear Brett Favre haters,

I do admit I was once like you, hating everything Brett stood for. That; however, was back when he wore that disgusting green and yellow uniform. Now that he's in the magnificent purple and yellow of the best team in the history of any sport period (aka The Vikings), I have learned the error of my once jealous ways. Now, I admit, he did kind of lose the NFC championship for us but, one interception does not a season make. All I hear from the haters is "he needs to retire already and stop this attention whoring". Listen up douche nozzle, he left the Packers because they wanted to bench him for Aaron Rodgers. Fine, Rodgers is a capable QB and Favre is up there in age, can't blame them. Thing is, Brett thought he had more years left in the old arm (which he did) so he left. I would have done the same thing, you would have done the same thing, hell, everybody would have done the same thing. He had a bad year with the Jets, thought about retiring, then decided against it and signed with the Vikings. He had a GREAT year (anyone would with that amazing team behind them), got beat up a little and is thinking about retiring again. I think the man has the right to contemplate retirement, he's fucking old. Hell, by NFL standards he's fucking ancient! I'm sick and god damn tired of hearing all the hate towards the man. Did he beat your pathetic team on your birthday or something? Face it, penis wrinkle, he's a damn good QB and about a million times better than your pudgy, lonely ass will ever be so shut your damn mouth before I shut it for you! Also, stop saying the Vikings were carried by Favre, he's good, but remember '08? The Vikings went 10 and 5 and won their division WITHOUT FAVRE and with golden boy Aaron Rodgers throwing for Green Bay (who didn't even make it by the way).

Chris Goretcki

P.S. Please check out my friend Dominique's website at especially if you like photography.

P.P.S. Saints Fans (or those of you who are Saints fans after last season which, coincidentally, is every Saints fan) when The Gunslinger does come back, we're gonna kick your pansy asses all the way back to New Orleans come September 9th. Look forward to Drew Brees's head flying off when he comes face to face with this beast